An object-oriented efficient MVC and REST framework

The following content is translated by the machine

Getting started

Use the @candyjs/cli command to create a project

$ # install the command
$ npm install -g @candyjs/cli
$ # run the command
$ candyjs-cli

The command above will be presented with prompts for several optional features such as project name and TypeScript.and so on.

Run the program for the first time

After run the command, a simple application will be create

|- index.js
|- app
|  |
|  |-- controllers
|      |
|      |-- index
|      |   |
|      |   |-- IndexController.js
|      |
|   -- views
|      |
|      |-- index
|      |   |
|      |   |-- index.html

Go to the application directory to start the program

$ npm install && npm run start



Application structure

An application directory structure is amy as follows

|- index.js
|- node_modules
|- public
|- app
|  |
|  |-- controllers
|      |
|      |-- user
|      |   |
|      |   |-- IndexController.js
|      |   |-- OtherController.js
|      |
|      |-- goods
|      |   |
|      |   |-- IndexController.js
|      |   |-- OtherController.js
|      |
|   -- views
|      |
|      |-- user
|      |   |
|      |   |-- index.html
|      |   |-- other.html
|      |
|      |-- goods
|      |   |
|      |   |-- index.html
|      |   |-- other.html
|      |
|   -- runtime

Entry scriptindex.js

The entry script is the first loop in the application startup process. There is only one entry script that contains the startup code that will listen to the client's connection

The entry script basically does the following

  • Load the application configuration
  • Start the application
  • Register all the required components

var CandyJs = require('candyjs');
var App = require('candyjs/web/Application');

new CandyJs(new App({
    'id': 1,

    'debug': true,

    // application path
    'appPath': __dirname + '/app',

    // register modules
    'modules': {
        'bbs': 'app/modules/bbs'

    // log setting
    'log': {
        'targets': {
            'file': {
                'classPath': 'candy/log/file/Log'

})).listen(2333, function(){
    console.log('listen on 2333');


Applications are objects that govern the overall structure and lifecycle ofCandyJsapplication systems. CandyJshas two kinds of Application:Web Application and Rest Application

Application properties

Various parameters can be introduced in the entry file. These parameters will eventually be assigned to the application instance object

Required properties
  • candy/web/Application.idThis property is used to identify the only application

  • candy/web/Application.appPathThis property used to specified application directory

Important attributes
  • candy/web/Application.routesMapUsed to define the routing handler

    'account': {
        'classPath': 'app/controllers/user/IndexController',
        'property': 'value'

  • candy/web/Application.modulesTo register application module

    // register a bbs module
    'modules': {
        'bbs': 'app/modules/bbs'

  • candy/web/Application.encodingProject encoding

  • candy/web/Application.debugWhether debugging is on

Custom properties

Other parameters passed in the entry file are passed to the application as a custom parameter

Application controller

The controller is part of theMVCschema that inherits the object ofcandy/core/AbstractControllerclass responsible for handling the request and generating the response


The controller consists ofactionsthat is the most basic unit for executing the end user's request. A controller has and only one entry action is calledrun

'use strict';

const Controller = require('candyjs/web/Controller');

class IndexController extends Controller {

    // entry action
    run(req, res) {


module.exports = IndexController;


ActionAspect is a special behavior class for filter user request.

ActionAspecthas two useful methods:beforeAction(actionEvent)andafterAction(actionEvent)

How to use

1. write a aspect program

In order to use aspects, you must first write the aspect class,which is the subclass ofcandyjs/core/ActionAspect

// app/filters/Cors.js
const ActionAspect = require('candyjs/core/ActionAspect');

module.exports = class Cors extends ActionAspect {
    constructor() {

        this.cors = {
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '',
            'Access-Control-Max-Age': 86400,
            'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true

     * add http header
    beforeAction(actionEvent) {
        let request = actionEvent.request;
        let response = actionEvent.response;

        let headers = this.generateHeaders(request);
        for(let k in headers) {
            response.setHeader(k, headers[k]);

        if('OPTIONS' === request.method) {
            actionEvent.valid = false;

            response.writeHead(200, 'OK');

    generateHeaders(request) {
        let ret = {};

        // oirigin
        if(undefined !== request.headers['origin'] && undefined !== this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Origin']) {
            if(this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'].indexOf(request.headers['origin']) >= 0) {
                ret['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = request.headers['origin'];

            // allow origin=* and allow credentials can not appear at the same time
            if('*' === this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Origin']) {
                if(this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials']) {
                    throw new Error('Allowing credentials for wildcard origins is insecure');
                } else {
                    ret['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*';

        if(undefined !== request.headers['access-control-request-method']) {
            ret['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'];

        if(undefined !== this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Headers']) {
            ret['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'];

        if(undefined !== this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials']) {
            ret['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = this.cors['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] ? 'true' : 'false';

        if('OPTIONS' === request.method && undefined !== this.cors['Access-Control-Max-Age']) {
            ret['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = this.cors['Access-Control-Max-Age'];

        return ret;
2. work with aspect

It is simple to use your accept class, just add abehaviors()method to your controller

class IndexController extends Controller {
    // the value 'mycors' valus is an alias of your Aspect class, you can rename it to any
    behaviors() {
        return [
            ['mycors', 'app/filters/Cors']

    run() {
        // the behaviors() method will execute first


A filter is a class that implements the core/IFinter interface,or any class withdoFilter (req, res, chain)function can also considered to be a filter

The usage of filter and acpect are similar, except that the filter configuration is returned by thefilters()function

class IndexController extends Controller {
    // 'app/filters/MyFilter' is the class path of the filter
    filters() {
        return [

    run() {}

// app/filters/MyFilter
module.exports = class MyFilter {
    doFilter(req, res, filterChain) {
        // todo something
        // manually execute the next filter
        filterChain.doFilter(req, res);

Both aspect and filter can filter user requests before the controller executes, the filter is more user-friendly for asynchronous operations


In General, a router corresponds to a controller, there are two kinds of routers

  1. route_prefix[/controllerId]

  2. moduleId[/controllerId]

The part of[/controllerId]can be omitted, and its default value isindex, so the default controller isIndexControlelr
  • when visit http://localhost/

    app/controllers/index/IndexControlelrwill be created, this is the default home page controller

  • when visit http://localhost/user

    usermodule will be searched first

    if found, thenapp/modules/user/controllers/IndexControllerwill be created

    if not found,thenapp/controllers/user/IndexControllerwill be created

  • when visit http://localhost/user/profile

    usermodule will be searched first

    if found, thenapp/modules/user/controllers/ProfileControllerwill be created

    if not, thenapp/controllers/user/ProfileControllerwill be created

  • when visit http://localhost/user/profile/settings

    usermodule will be searched first

    if found thenapp/modules/user/controllers/SettingsControllerwill be created, the 'profile' part will be ignored

    if not, thenapp/controllers/user/profile/SettingsControllerwill be created

Controller search ordermodule controller --> common controller


The model is part of theMVCpattern that represents the object of the business data

see here for detail


视图是MVC模式中的一部分 它用于给终端用户展示页面





  • 全局配置方式
  • 局部注入方式
  • 嵌入式



// 全局配置方式是使用 candyjs 的别名系统实现的
// 这里的代码可以从源代码 examples 目录中找到

// 1. 在 app/libs 目录中建立一个模板引擎文件 CandyTemplate.js
const fs = require('fs');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
// 加载系统视图类
const View = require('candyjs/web/View');

class CandyTemplate extends View {
    constructor(context) {
        this.handlebars = Handlebars.create();

    // 模板引擎必须实现这个方法,因为它是渲染模板的入口
    renderFile(file, parameters) {
        fs.readFile(file, 'UTF-8', (err, template) => {
            let compiled = this.handlebars.compile(template);
            this.context.response.end( compiled(parameters) );
module.exports = CandyTemplate;

// 2. 经过第 1 步,我们的模板引擎就开发完了,是不是很简单
// 接下来在入口注册我们编写的模板引擎
const App = require('candyjs/web/Application');
const app = new App({
    'id': 'template_test',

    // 配置模板引擎
    'defaultView': 'app/libs/CandyTemplate',

    'appPath': __dirname + '/app'
new CandyJs(app).listen(2333, function(){
    console.log('listen on 2333');

// 3. 准备模板 html
{{#each list}}
    <li><a href="/user?uid={{ id }}">{{ name }}</a></li>

// 4. 在控制器中使用模板引擎渲染页面
const Controller = require('candyjs/web/Controller');
const User = require('somepath/models/User');

class IndexController extends Controller {
    run(req, res) {

    async fetchList(res) {
        const user = new User();
        // 这里 data 是一个用户数组 [{id: xxx, name: xxx}]
        let data = await user.getUserList();

        // 可以获取到模板引擎实例
        // 具体使用方式请参考 handlebars 模板引擎官方文档
        // const handlebars = this.getView().handlebars;
        // handlebars.todo

        // 这里的 render 将使用我们制定的模板引擎渲染页面
        this.render('index', {
            list: data


// 1. 局部注入方式第 1 步也需要编写我们的模板引擎,参考全局配置方式

// 2. 在控制器中动态注入模板引擎
const Controller = require('candyjs/web/Controller');
const User = require('somepath/models/User');
const CandyTemplate = require('somepath/CandyTemplate');

class IndexController extends Controller {
    run(req, res) {

    async fetchList(res) {
        const user = new User();
        let data = await user.getUserList();

        // 动态注入模板引擎
        this.setView(new CandyTemplate(this.context));
        this.render('index', {
            list: data

module.exports = IndexController;


// 这种方式比较灵活,不需要编写模板引擎

const Controller = require('candyjs/web/Controller');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const User = require('somepath/models/User');

class IndexController extends Controller {
    run(req, res) {

    async fetchList(res) {
        const user = new User();
        let data = await user.getUserList();

        this.getView().getTemplateContent('index', (err, str) => {
            // 直接使用模板引擎对内容进行编译并输出
            let compiled = Handlebars.compile(str);

            res.end( compiled({ list: data }) );
module.exports = IndexController;

Controller level view API

If the user's controller inherits from thecandy/web/Controller then can use thegetView()method in the controller to get the view class instance

The view class provides the following API for user to use

  • findViewFile(view)Used to get absolute path of a view file
  • getTemplateContent(view, callback)Used to read the content of a view file

'use strict';

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Controller = Candy.include('candy/web/Controller');

class IndexController extends Controller {

    run(req, res) {
        this.getView().getTemplateContent('index', (err, str) => {


module.exports = IndexController;


Module is independent software unit. It consists ofModel View Controllerand other necessary components

Note that unlike the common project directory, the controllers and views in the module do not have a subdirectory

Create a module

In themodulesdirectory create a separate directory eg. bbs

    |-- bbs
    |   |
    |   |-- controllers
    |   |   |
    |   |   |-- IndexController.js
    |   |
    |   |-- views
    |   |   |
    |   |   |-- index.html
    |   |
    |   |-- other directory

Register the module

The module created can not be recognized by the system, we need to manually register

var CandyJs = require('candyjs');
var App = require('candyjs/web/Application');

new CandyJs(new App({

    // register module bbs
    'modules': {
        'bbs': 'app/modules/bbs'


})).listen(2333, function(){
    console.log('listen on 2333');

Component & Behavior


Component is the base class ofBehavior and Event

Components are instances ofcandy/core/AbstractController, or an extended class

Behavior classes are typically used in conjunction with component classes


Behavior is instances ofcandy/core/Behavior, or an extended class

A behavior class can be used to enhance its functionality without changing the original component code

When a behavior is attached to a component, it will inject its methods and properties into the component and then access them as if they were to access the component's own methods and properties

The behavior class also can listen to the component's events and respond


CandyJsimplements an observer pattern

'use strict';

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Controller = Candy.include('candy/web/Controller');

class IndexController extends Controller {

    constructor(context) {

        this.on('myevent', function() {
            console.log('myevent fired');

    run(req, res) {



module.exports = IndexController;

Use behavior

Define behavior

Create a class by inheritingcandy/core/Behavioror its subclasses

'use strict';

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Behavior = Candy.include('candy/core/Behavior');

// 行为类
class MyBehavior extends Behavior {
    constructor() {

    // 监听控制器的 customEvent 事件
    // 由于一个事件可以有多个处理程序 为保证顺序 这里必须使用数组
    // 格式为 [行为名, 行为处理器]
    events() {
        return [
            ['customEvent', (e) => {
                e.result = 'data processed by behavior';
            ['customEvent2', (e) => {
                e.result += '--process2';

module.exports = MyBehavior;

The above code defines the behavior classMyBehaviorand provides two propertiesprop1 prop2and a method for the component to attach the behaviormyFun()

Attach behavior to component

You can attach a behavior to a component either statically or dynamically

To attach a behavior statically, override thebehaviors()method of the component class to which the behavior is being attached

Thebehaviors()method should return a list of behavior configurations

'use strict';

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Controller = Candy.include('candy/web/Controller');

class IndexController extends Controller {

    // 重写方法
    behaviors() {
        return [
            ['myBehavior', new MyBehavior()]

    run(req, res) {
        let data = {result: ''};
        this.trigger('customEvent', data);

        // 卸载行为
        return data.result;


module.exports = IndexController;

To attach a behavior dynamically, call theattachBehavior()method of the component to which the behavior is being attached

'use strict';

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Controller = Candy.include('candy/web/Controller');

class IndexController extends Controller {

    constructor(context) {

        // 动态附加行为 行为里面会监听 customEvent 事件
        this.attachBehavior('myBehavior', new MyBehavior());

    run(req, res) {
        let data = {result: ''};
        this.trigger('customEvent', data);
        this.trigger('customEvent2', data);

        return data.result;


module.exports = IndexController;


The middleware is the first part of the request to process the request and do the filtering and call the next middleware

CandyJstemporarily only provides a middleware for handling static resources

Static resource

CandyJsdefaults to non-processing of static resources that require the use of middleware

var CandyJs = require('candyjs');
var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var App = require('candyjs/web/Application');
var Hook = require('candyjs/core/Hook');
var R = require('candyjs/midwares/Resource');

// serve the public dir as static resources
// before 4.20.0
// Hook.addHook(R.serve(__dirname + '/public'));
// after 4.20.0, add multiple dir support
Hook.addHook(new R(__dirname + '/public').serve());

new CandyJs(new App({


})).listen(2333, function(){
    console.log('listen on 2333');

// in view file, we can use static resource like this: /public/js/lib.js
<script src="/js/lib.js"></script>


candy/web/URI and candy/web/URLclasses provide methods for uri and url operations


  • parseUrl()Used for parse url

var URI = Candy.include('candy/web/URI');

var uri = new URI();

    source: '',
    scheme: 'http',
    user: undefined,
    password: undefined,
    host: '',
    port: '8080',
    path: '/abc',
    query: 'q=1',
    fragment: 'anchor'


  • getReferer()Used to get the referer url
  • getHostInfo()Used to get the host section of URI
  • getCurrent()Used to get the current URL
  • to(url[, params = null])Used to create a url

var URL = Candy.include('candy/web/URL');

var url = new URL(req);

// return scheme://host/index/index'index/index');

// return scheme://host/index/index?id=1#anchor'index/index', {id: 1, '#': 'anchor'})

Request and Response

CandyJsprovides classescandy/http/Requestandcandy/http/Responsethat handle requests and responses

HTTP Request

Used to handle http requests

candy/http/Requestclass provides a set of instances and static methods to manipulate the required data

  • getQueryString(param)Instance method get the request parameter
  • getParameter(param)Instance method get the POST request parameter
  • getCookie(name)Instance method get cookies
  • getHeaders()Get http headers
In the use ofgetParameter()to obtain the POST parameter temporarily need to rely on third-party analysis of the body of the middleware will otherwise back to the null

var Request = Candy.include('candy/http/Request');
var request = new Request(req);
var id = request.getQueryString('id');

HTTP Response

Outputs a response message to the client

candy/http/Responseclass provides a set of instances and static methods to manipulate the response data

  • setStatusCode(value[, text])Set the http status code
  • setHeader(name, value)Set the header
  • setContent(content)Set the entity content
  • setCookie(name, value[, options])Set a cookie
  • send([content])Send an HTTP response to the client
  • redirect(url[, statusCode = 302])Page redirection
Use the Response to output data

var Response = Candy.include('candy/http/Response');
var response = new Response(res);
response.setContent('some data from server');

Use the Response to redirection

var Response = Candy.include('candy/http/Response');
var response = new Response(res);

Assistant class

The assistant class encapsulates some common operations

File Assistant classFileHelper

  • getDirname(dir)
  • normalizePath(path[, directorySeparator = '/'])
  • createDirectory(dir[, mode = 0o777[, callback = null]])
  • createDirectorySync(dir[, mode = 0o777])

String helper classStringHelper

  • nIndexOf(str, find, n)Find the position where a string appears at the Nth occurrence in another string
  • trimChar(str, character)
  • lTrimChar(str, character)
  • rTrimChar(str, character)
  • ucFirst(str)
  • htmlSpecialChars(str[, flag = 0[, doubleEncode = true]])
  • filterTags(str[, allowed = ''])Filter html tags

Time Assistant classTimeHelper

  • format(formats[, timestamp =])

var Response = Candy.include('candy/helpers/FileHelper');
var Response = Candy.include('candy/helpers/StringHelper');
var Response = Candy.include('candy/helpers/TimeHelper');

// return /a/c
var path = FileHelper.normalizePath('/a/./b/../c');

// return &lt;script&gt;
var str = StringHelper.htmlSpecialChars('<script>');

// return abcxyz
var strTag = StringHelper.filterTags('<a>abc</a>xyz');

// return xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
var time = TimeHelper.format('y-m-d h:i:s');

Alias ​​system

CandyJsprovides a alias system

An alias is a string beginning with an@sign. Each alias corresponds to a real physical path

InCandyJseither create class or load class used alias

System built-in alias

  • @candyPoints to the CandyJs directory
  • @appProject directory
  • @runtimeCache directory
  • @rootWebsite root directory

Custom alias

Users can customize aliases

// register alias
Candy.setPathAlias('@lib', '/home/www/library');

// create /home/www/library/MyClass class instance
var obj = Candy.createObject('lib/MyClass');


This function was experimental before 4.0.0


  • get(route, handler)
  • post(route, handler)
  • put(route, handler)
  • delete(route, handler)
  • patch(route, handler)
  • head(route, handler)
  • options(route, handler)

var CandyJs = require('candyjs');
var App = require('candyjs/rest/Application');

var app = new App({
    id: 1,
    appPath: __dirname + '/app',
    debug: true

// simple get
app.get('/homepage', (req, res) => {

// get with params
app.get('/posts/{id}', (req, res, params) => {

// limit param type
app.get('/user/{id:\\d+}', (req, res, params) => {

// process request with a class
// the code below means /xyz req will process with new Demo().index method
app.get('/xyz', 'app/api/Demo@index');

var candyJs = new CandyJs(app);
candyJs.listen('2333', () => {
    console.log('listen on 2333')

Routing issues in RESTful patterns

The routes in RESTful are implemented using regular expressions. It can achieve very flexible routing configuration However, the routing performance is poor relative to MVC. ( Routing in the MVC pattern is not implemented in regular expressions. )


CandyJsprovides the ability to log processing but currently only supports file logs

Use the log

Before using the log, you need to register in entry file

'log': {
    'targets': {
        'file': {
            'classPath': 'candy/log/file/Log',
            'logPath': __dirname + '/logs',
            'logFile': 'system.log',
            'maxFileSize': 10240  // 10 MB
    'flushInterval': 10  // flush to disk every 10 times

Log interface

  • error(message)
  • warning(message)
  • info(message)
  • trace(message)
  • flush()

var CandyJs = require('candyjs');

var log = CandyJs.getLogger();
log.error('This is a error message');
log.flush();  // flush data to disk


CandyJsprovides the ability to cache data processing but currently only supports file caching

Use caching

Before using the cache, you need to register in entry file

'cache': {
    'file': {
        'classPath': 'candy/cache/file/Cache',
        'cachePath': '...'

Cache interface

  • setSync(key, value, duration)
  • set(key, value, duration, callback)
  • getSync(key)
  • get(key, callback)
  • deleteSync(key)
  • delete(key, callback)

var Candy = require('candyjs/Candy');
var Cache = Candy.include('candy/cache/Cache');

var c = Cache.getCache('file');

// 同步
c.setSync('key', 'value');
var data = c.getSync('key');

// 异步
c.set('key2', 'value2', undefined, (err) => {
    c.get('sync', (err, data) => {


demo see here for detail


CandyJsprovide the ability to handle exception, you can implement thecandy/web/ExceptionHandlerclass and override thehandlerException()method to output custom message, or you can define a custom class with ahandlerException()method

// index.js
const app = new App({
    'id': 1,
    'appPath': __dirname + '/app',
    // exception handler class
    'exceptionHandler': 'app/ExceptionHandler'

// app/ExceptionHandler.js
module.exports = class ExceptionHandler {
    handlerException(exp, res) {
        res.end('server error');


CandyJsprovides@candyjs/uploadercomponent to implement file upload. view detail



TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language

CandyJs同样支持 typescript 项目以及使用 `tsc` 命令编译项目,但是需要安装@candyjs/tswrapper模块

参考这里的 ts-* 或者 typescript 目录示例

或者参考这里的 ts-* 或者 typescript 目录示例